This document will lead you through the integration process with
RTB House's Outstanding Prebid Ways so you can begin
your RTB House prebid campaign.
RTB House provides a piece of code to be added in the
header of the page before the ad server callout.
It generates an
asynchronous call so RTB House can identify the user and return a bid.
Such information including the bid price is then sent to the adserver.
RTB House campaigns are targeted in the adserver based on Custom keyword criteria.
What will you receive from RTB House:
- Individual Publisher ID
- Code samples demonstrating how to initialize the RTB House adapter and how to map the placements
- Optional creative codes that may be used in the adserver, by default we suggest using default prebid codes
- Access to individual Data Studio dasboard with statistics
We will need you to
- Implement clear and transparent prebid scripts on the page
- Map the placements available on each page and use it to initialize our adapter
- Create the line items for the different bid prices in your adserver
- Implement the targeting rules and the creative code
- Comply with IAB Consent Framework as RTB House do. Please refer to their documentation for more information and examples of certified CMPs.
Scripts Implementation
Prebid.js - adapter and modules
The code initializes the RTB House tags, which are a part of prebid
A.B.C.js (A,B,C being current version numbers). The code will load the
library and will also build the events
queue that will be used later.
Prebid.js package contatins all the chosen bidder adapters and all the
modules in one JS file, it can be customized and downloaded from
For this particular setup purpose we have enabled:
Bidder Adapters:
- RTB House
Analytics Adapters:
- None
- Currency
- Consent Management - GDPR
- Consent Management - US Privacy
- User ID: PubCommon ID
The loader request is asynchronous and is cached on the user browser.
Apart from prebid.js package version - No code changes are required on
this section.
The next step is to map all the adunits available on the page and assign their code.
In this section you will see how the typical minimalistic display adunit is set up.
Parameter | Description |
code | Unique identifier that you create and assign to the ad unit. Used to set query string targeting on the ad. If using GPT, we recommend setting simillar "code" as a slot element ID. |
mediaTypes | banner, native or video |
banner.sizes | Here you can set acceptable adunit sizes, in example in variable. |
bidder | Required, name of the bidder - "rtbhouse" |
params.region | Required, type: string, region of specific publisher is being assigned by RTB House Inventory team (-eu, -asia, -us). |
params.publisherId | Required, type: string, unique ID assigned by RTB House Inventory team. |
params.bidfloor | Optional, type: float, Minimal CPM value in XYZ currency [by default it is USD] |
Bid response details
The mapping is used to generate a bid request to RTBhouse's
In case RT House has a bid for the user, the request will return a
with an bids
described below :
Field | Type | Description | Example |
id | String | The adunit id provided in the request | ad-unit-0 |
impid | String | Impression individual Id | 1958db31f122811 |
price | Float | The raw bid CPM | 1.58 |
adid | String | Creative Id | l2HjtZ8tLkRPAaeVkRk0 |
adm | String | The creative iframe |
adomain | List of Strings | The domain name | [""] |
cid | String | The deal Id | ...z3XR2NmqbMmZl... |
w | Integer | The creative width | 300 |
h | Integer | The creative height | 250 |
Please find an example of such object below:
In case the user is not eligible to any RTBhouse campaign, the bid response will be an empty 204 response.
Header implementation
Disabling the adserver auto load
The original DFP tags are similar to below.
Since we will wait for the RTBhouse Bidder Call before calling the
adserver, the function:
, can be placed
anywhere before googletag.enableServices()
. Another thing
worth remembering is adding apropriate
"/DFPCode/AdUnitCode/Custom_label" as the first parameter value in
.defineSlot method.
The callback function is executed as soon as the bid response is received. The bids must now be processed and sent within the adserver request. The examples from now on will use DFP/GAM as reference, but it can be adapted to any adserver that supports keyword targeting.
The adserver request must wait for the RTB House bidder to respond first. It can be achieved by using a combination of two functions:
: will prevent the Adserver to be charged automatically as the page loads -
: will be used to finally trigger the adserver call after the RTBhouse bid response or if the timeout is reached
More details on DFP's documentations here.
Sending the keywords
First we are adding adUnits, then implementing a function for
initializing the Adserver. Then we add:
pbjs.setTargetingForGPTAsync &&
- part which will append RTBhouse keywords to the adserver call.
- part which will trigger the adserver call.
Sending keywords back to adserver can be implemented in the callback
function that will be triggered once the RTB House bid response is
received (or after the timeout). On our previous example, we are using
the function named
triggers the bid request to external bidders. -
is executed at most in the number of ms defined in variable PREBID_TIMEOUT. -
The auxiliary function
automatically parses the response and sends placement-level keywords to the adserver :
Keyword | Type | Description | Example |
hb_pb | String | The general bid price band CPM | hb_pb=0.40 |
hb_pb_rtbhouse | String | (optional) The bid price band CPM for RTBHouse | hb_pb_rtbhouse=0.40 |
hb_bidder | String | (optional) Selecting RTBHouse bidder | hb_bidder=rtbhouse |
Above table presents two ways of setting up keywords:
- First is setting up just hb_pb keyword and it will work in all cases
- Second one, setting up all three keywords (first one and both optional ones), and then the line items will only work with RTB House bidder
Prebid Modules
In this section additional modules will be described. All the modules
are defined in
Currency module
This module supports the conversion of multiple bidder currencies into a single currency used by the publisher's ad server. This module allows, gaining automatic updates as currency exchange rates fluctuate. Here's how it works at a high level:
- A Prebid.js package is built that contains the extra currency module code
- Config in the page defines the currency used by the Publisher's ad server and other configuration parameters.
- The existence of this configuration causes the Prebid platform to load a currency conversion file while the bids are taking place. Alternately, the conversion rates can be provided in the page.
- At runtime, bids are converted to the ad server currency as needed.
- Default rates can be provided in case the file cannot be loaded.
Currency module is used to translate currency of the adserver to match currency of a bidder, if there is no other script doing such translations, it is higly recommended to implement Currency module.
Parameter | Type | Description |
priceGranularity | String dictionary | Tells the ad server how much money the “bidder” demand is worth. Allowed values are "low, "med", "high"m "auto", "dense". Detailed description. |
currency.adServerCurrency | String | ISO 4217 3-letter currency code. If this value is present, the currency conversion feature is activated. |
currency.granularityMultiplier | Decimal | How much to scale the price granularity calculations. Defaults to 1. Is used for currencies that are not changing at the same rate - their value is far from USD [close to 1:1], it can be changed for example for markets like YEN to USD [110:1] |
currency.defaultRates | Object | An optional parameter that defines a default rate that can be used if the currency file cannot be loaded. This option isn’t used when the rates parameter is supplied. Example: { USD: { PLN: 4 } } |
currency.rates | Object | This optional argument allows you to specify the rates with a JSON object, subverting the need for the conversionRateFile parameter. If this argument is specified, the conversion rate file will not be loaded. Example: { ‘USD’: { ‘CNY’: 6.8842, ‘GBP’: 0.7798, ‘JPY’: 110.49 } } |
currency.conversionRateFile | URL | Optional path to a file containing currency conversion data. See below for the format. hosts a file as described in the next section. |
Please find an example for PLN based GAM below:
URL: management module
Consent management module is designed to support the EU General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR) and to support the California Consumer
Privacy Act (CCPA). The IAB has generalized these guidelines to cover
future regulations, referring to the feature as “US Privacy.”
Consent management module works with supported Consent
Management Platforms (CMPs) to fetch an encoded string representing
the user's consent choices and make it available for adapters to
consume and process.
To utilize Consent management module, a CMP
(Consent Management Platform) compatible with the IAB 1.1 TCF spec
needs to be implemented on the site to interact with the user and
obtain their consent choices. We do recommend to that you place the
CMP code before the Prebid.js code in the head of the page in order to
ensure the CMP’s framework is loaded before the Prebid code executes.
Parameter | Type | Description |
cmpApi | String | Set to default, as 'iab'or 'static' for a non-standard IAB integrations |
timeout | Integer | CMP response timeout, defaults to 5000ms |
allowAuctionWithoutConsent | Boolean | Defines what happens when obtaining consent info from CMP fails (suppresses auction). In example scenario, which is not linked with any CMP, it is set to "true" |
usp.timeout | Integer | This is a US Privacy timeout set to 100ms |
Publishers not using an IAB-Compliant CMP - head directly to the URL provided below.
URL: ID: PubCommon ID module
User ID module stores an unique user id in the first party domain and makes it accessible to all adapters. Similar to IDFA and AAID, this is a simple UUID that can be utilized to improve user matching, especially for iOS and MacOS browsers, and is compatible with ITP (Intelligent Tracking Prevention). It's lightweight and self contained. Adapters that support Publisher Common ID will be able to pick up the user ID and return it for additional server-side cross device tracking. There is no special registration or configuration for PubCommon ID. Each publisher's privacy policy can take PubCommon ID into account.
Parameter | Type | Description |
storage | Object | The publisher can specify some kind of local storage in which to store the results of the call to get the user ID. It can be either cookie or HTML5 storage. This is not needed when value is specified or the ID system is managing its own storage |
storage.type | String | Required "cookie" or "html5" | | String | Create a cookie with this name - The name of the cookie or html5 local storage where the user ID will be stored |
storage.expires | Integer | How long the user ID info will be stored |
storage.refreshInSeconds | Integer | The amount of time (in seconds) the user ID is be cached in storage before calling the provider again to retrieve a potentially updated value for their user ID. If set, this value can equate to a time period less than the number of days defined in storage.expires. By default the ID will not be refreshed until it expires |
value | Object | Used only if the page has a separate mechanism for storing a User ID. The value is an object containing the values to be sent to the adapters |
Adserver setup
Setting up an ad server, requires 5 basic steps, which are:
- Set up key-values
- Set up an order
- Set up first line item
- Set up a creative
- Set up rest of the line items
Go to Inventory > Key-values and click on
New Key
and create the key-value
- Key name:
- Value type: Users will enter targeting values when creating line items or checking inventory. (Dynamic)
Go to Delivery > Orders and click on
New Order
and create one new Order for the campaign.
First Line Item
You can create the first line on the same page or simply by entering any created order. The goal is to create one dedicated line item per different CPM price band. For the best performance one every each 0.01.
We will create the unitary CPM for the first line item:
- Choose "Display" Ad type
Name: Please use a self-explanatory name like
- Line item type: It depends on your business goals, we will set it to "Standard".
- Priority: Please select the priority as agreed with your RTB House representative. In example we set "Standard" but it is worth to mention that Prebid recommends to use Price Priority.
Expected creatives: Please include all formats available on your
page. Eg:

Labels section: Please check
Allow same advertiser exception

- Start time:
- End time:
Unlimited - plesae put there a very high number
Rate: Please include here the CPM. On this first example we use
PLN, but recommended currency is USD.

- Display Creatives:
One or More
. - Rotate Creatives:
Finally, please select the inventory for the campaign and add the following targeting:
- Type: Choose
- Select a key: Choose
- Value: choose
and input0.01
Finally, hit save
and follow with the creative steps
Please find example prebid creative code below:
To prepare a new creative, go to Delivery
> and click on
Add creative
then type and select the same advertiser
name to add creative (for us Prebid (Advertiser)). Hit Select and:
- Type:
Pick Third-party
Target ad unit size:
Pick sizes that you wish to target according to the ad unit or pick 1x1 - this allows us to set up size override, which allows this creative to serve on all inventory sizes.
Code type and snippet:
Pick standard and paste the code located above
Click Save
Go back to the first line item created, click on the
tab and on
Add creative - Existing creative
Pick the one that was just created.
The last step is to duplicate the creative so its quantity equals the number of unique ad units you have on the same page. I.e.: Should you have up to 5 different ad units on your homepage, it means you will need to setup at least 5 creatives for the line item.
The easiest way to achieve this is by selecting one (or multiple)
creatives and click on Copy creative
that appears on the
blue bar, repeat until you have the minimum amounts required for line
item to work.
Remaining line items
Now that you have the first line item fully configured, you can simply
duplicate it and reuse the existing creatives. To do so, go to the
line item pages, select its respective checkbox and click on
Copy and share creatives
that will appear on the blue
bar. Repeat the action for all the different price bands you have.
Please don't forget to update:
- The line item name
- The CPM
- The keyword targeting the respective price band
You can edit those values directly from the list page by clicking on the icon on the corner of each field:
- Line item name:
- CPM:
- Inventory and keyword targeting
- Start date. Please double check the value as the default one is the next day!
Once you are set, select all the new line items and click on the
For official prebid guide: URL:
Automatic line items creation
RTB House can offer to automatically set up all the orders, line items
along with creatives for you - using Line Item Creator App.
Please contact RTB House Inventory Support directly at
to discuss requirements and the progression path.
Native ads
Native Placement
In order to activate Native demand, first you need to declare an appropriate adunit. Please find a short example below on how the basic adunit can be defined to build the native ad.
All the other parameters that could be passed and integrated into the
native you can find under this link:
Native Response
Below you can find an example of a native response:
When a native demand is available, RTBhouse will return the following native object:
Native Object
Field | Type | Description |
product | Product object Array | List of product assets. |
advertiser | Advertiser object | Includes the adv name and logo |
impression_pixels | Impression pixels object Array | List of impression pixels |
Product Object
Field | Type | Description |
title | String | Product title |
description | String | Product description |
click_url | String | Product landing page |
call_to_action | String | Product CTA |
image | Image object | Product image (WidthxHeight px) |
Image Object
Field | Type | Description |
url | String | Image URL. |
height | Integer | Image height |
width | Integer | Image width |
Advertiser Object
Field | Type | Description |
description | String | Advertiser name |
domain | String | Advertiser domain |
logo | Image object | Advertiser logo (WidthxHeight px) |
Privacy Object
Field | Type | Description |
optout_click_url | String | Opt-out landing page URL |
optout_image_url | String | Adchoices icon URL |
Impression Pixel Object
Field | Type | Description |
url | String | Impression pixel beacon |
Adserver integration
The campaigns can be set up the same as in case of the standard ads,
but with 1x1 and "fluid" adunit sizes added.
In topic of creatives structure, you can find an example of native
creative code below:
RTB House Native guidelines:
- Implement the link to the opt-out page
- Display at least one advertiser information (domain, name)
- Display at least one product recommendation
- Use RTB House click URLs
- Every impression pixel must be called once the ad is delivered
Protected Audience API Integration manual
Protected Audience API (aka PA API, formerly FLEDGE) support can be added to the prebid.js bundle file in the form of up to 3 modules: PAAPI and optionally 2 additional modules: Fledge for GPT which has been renamed in version 9.0.0 of Prebid.js to "PAAPI for GPT" and finally Top-level PAAPI module for most sophisticated control over PA auctions. It all began with Prebid 8.18.0 when simple fledgeForGpt module appeared that allowed for running PA auctions. Starting with the version 8.37.0 the previously existing module fledgeForGpt which had been the only way to run PA API ads with Prebid has been split to two modules, one of them being PAAPI module (the main, general control module) and the fledgeForGpt module handling PAAPI with GAM. By leveraging the PAAPI module, the publishers are now able to run PAAPI ads by using any adserver of their choice. Version 9.0.0 (alongside with still continued branch 8.x, in 8.52.0) introduced additional control over PA auctions: the Top-level PAAPI.
RTB House prebid.js bid adapter is able to take advantage of the modules and to send requests to RTB House's bidder marked as PA API.
Reach out to your RTB House representative for setup coordination.
Google Ad Manager (GAM) users, read this before you proceed
In order to leverage Protected Audience support with GAM you need to be sure that your GAM instance supports PA API:

If you don't see those options, contact your Google representative.
It's worth turning "Chrome topics data" on to increase reach when 3rd party cookies are gone.
As the PA API is a work-in-progress and the respective GAM functionality is still evolving, for this feature to work you should contact your RTB House representative as this requires some special configuration to your browser (see also some configuration details below). Only a certain portion of traffic is sent through PA API in GAM (up to 10% of Chrome traffic according to the official GAM documentation: ). For smooth testing without traffic throttling you should also turn on Allow testing on up to 100% of my inventory with non-Google sellers, regardless of performance impact under your GAM's Admin / Global settings / Network settings tab in order to send all ad requests from every impression to your AdExchange and header bidding partners.
Build the prebid.js package
By using download feature at
Follow the general integration manual to choose the RTB House bid adapter and the required modules. Next find and add the module named "PAAPI" and optionally "Fledge (PAAPI) for GPT" (if you run ads with Google Ad Manager adserver). You may also add "Run top level PAAPI auctions" module.
Please note that only versions 8.52 and up contain the latter of the modules (Top level PAAPI)
By using build tools
If you're integrating by using build tools, please check the Prebid version first before proceeding.
Prebid.js versions 8.18.0 to 8.36.0
There’s only fledgeForGpt module available (works with GAM only).
Build command:
gulp build --modules=fledgeForGpt,rtbhouseBidAdapter,otherBidAdapter,otherModule
Prebid.js versions 8.37.0 to 8.51.0 (new paapi module has been introduced in 8.37.0)
Build commands depend on the adserver you're using:
gulp build --modules=paapi,rtbhouseBidAdapter,otherBidAdapter,otherModule
for adservers other than GAMgulp build --modules=fledgeForGpt,rtbhouseBidAdapter,otherBidAdapter,otherModule
(for GAM; it automatically pulls paapi module) -
Prebid.js versions 8.52.0 and 9.0.0+
Build commands depend on the adserver you're using:
gulp build --modules=paapi,rtbhouseBidAdapter,otherBidAdapter,otherModule
for adservers other than GAMgulp build --modules=paapiForGpt,rtbhouseBidAdapter,otherBidAdapter,otherModule
(for GAM; it automatically pulls paapi module)
PAAPI modules configuration
Prebid.js versions 8.18.0 to 8.36.0
If you allow PAAPI for all bidders you can remove the
entry. -
Prebid.js versions 8.37.0 to 8.51.0 (new paapi module has been introduced in 8.37.0)
Prebid.js setConfig is basically the same as for versions 8.18-8.36 but you'll get a warning message in the console that usage of
is deprecated.To prevent showing the warning you should consider changing
entry name topaapi
Again, if you allow PAAPI for all bidders you can remove the
entry.If your adserver is GAM you have a more detailed control over the moment auction config is passed to GAM (due to asyncronous loading of the libraries). You should set the auction config prior to executing GAM display/refresh methods. For the most flexible behavior you can use
property......along with controlling auction configuration passing:
Remember to call
. This is extremely important when your ad slots are refreshed. -
Prebid.js versions 8.52.0 and 9.0.0+
The change is in the
property which is basically the same aspaapi.gpt.autoconfig
in the previous versions. -
Revisit your code at
pbjs.requestBids({ bidsBackHandler: function(bids, timedOut, auctionId) { ... }
This is where your adserver's logic goes. To acquire the latest available PA API auction configuration returned from the PA API auction you may need to call pbjs.getPAAPIConfig(options) prior to the contextual request to your adserver. You may utilize the returned value in some way your adserver is able to understand (details are out of scope of this document).
Top-level PAAPI module configuration
Protected Audience auctions may be run as two-step auctions. The first step named as a component auction is executed at the single participant level which means a single exchange. After all component auctions have finished and the outcome of each of them has been determined, they all go to a top-level auction run by the top-level seller. The topLevelPaapi module appeared with 8.52 version and 9.0.
It is important to know who is the top-level seller (who runs top-level PAAPI auctions). It may be the publisher
himself or the adserver used by them if it supports top-level PAAPI auctions.
Prebid supports running component and top-level auctions by leveraging
topLevelPaapi module
along with the general PAAPI module. All you need to do is to include the topLevelPaapi module’s code and add
a configuration option. For GAM ad server you only need to make Prebid take control over the moment results
of the top-level PAAPI auction are passed to GAM (GAM is the last stage of the process and as such doesn't run PAAPI auctions;
see above for pbjs.setPAAPIConfigForGPT()
If a non-GAM ad server is considered you’ll also need to provide a decision logic file maintained on your servers (GAM handles it by itself) and probably need to slightly modify the rendering part of the Prebid code located on your web page.
Writing a decision logic file is out of scope of this document but there are many examples on the web of how to write it, an example at Prebid.js repository: The decisionLogicURL specification can be found here.
The decision logic file must be in the same domain as seller
and has
to respond with Ad-Auction-Allowed: true
http header. Please note the header differs
from the one which was used during an early stage of PAAPI specs
(X-Allow-FLEDGE: true
Add topLevelPaapi module to the bundle
GAM adserver
If your adserver is GAM then add paapiForGpt (NOTE: this is the new name of fledgeForGpt starting with version 9.0.0) module as usual. Add topLevelPaapi module to your Prebid.js bundle. You don’t need to include the main PAAPI module as it will be included automatically.
Have a look at this worth reading article on how the auction is executed with regard to multiple Prebid sellers and GAM adserver.
gulp build --modules=topLevelPaapi,paapiForGpt,...
Other adservers
gulp build --modules=topLevelPaapi,paapi,...
Configure topLevelPaapi module
With the above, navigator.runAdAuction
is invoked once per ad unit, and the result is made available
through getPAAPIBids:
If your adserver is GAM you may benefit from the paapi.topLevelSeller.overrrideWinner
When overrideWinner
is enabled (set to true
), rendering a "normal" Prebid bid
will instead render a PAAPI bid, if the PAAPI auction for the slot yielded a winner.
This is an easy way to include the result of PAAPI auctions without having to change the rendering logic.
For example:
Other PAAPI config options
There are also RTB House bidder specific options.
Utilizing publisher's own decision logic file. Please bear in mind this feature may be deprecated in favor of the latest Prebid features covered in paapi and topLevelPaapi modules.
There's a possibility to utilize your own decision logic file and run the PA API auction with your own ruleset.
If you have your own decisionLogicUrl you may utilize it by setting up a dedicated
must be in the same domain asseller
and has to respond withAd-Auction-Allowed: true
http header. Please note the header differs from the one which was used during an early stage of PAAPI specs (X-Allow-FLEDGE: true
is optional, defaults to 50 as per spec, will be clamped to 500 if greater. -
More PAAPI auction config options are available with Prebid.js versions 9.12+. They include passing any
list along with theirperBuyerSignals
and any other auction config options defined in the specs .Example of adding
By default, the PAAPI module enhances all ad units'
(an OpenRTB field) with the value set indefaultForSlots
parameter. Alternatively you may choose only some of the ad slots to be filled by PA API ads. You can provide your own$request.imp[]
value, for example:
PA API debugging
It's worth to say that the current state of PA API is that it is still evolving.
As mentioned above, the GAM API functionality and Prebid modules are subject to changes.
There are no live examples yet, but this chapter will shed some light onto how to debug
and identify PA API requests.
Please bear in mind that currently the above steps would work only with some special
browser configuration. This paragraph will be regularly updated.
User visits an advertiser web page
To get a PA API ad you need to be tagged by PA API-supporting tag somewhere on an advertiser web page. A good example for tests would be When you pick a product you will join an Interest Group which can be found in Chrome Dev Tools here: Application >> Storage >> Interest Groups The item will have "join" in the Access Type column. When and item in the right-hand side list is clicked, there will appear some technical details of the Interest Group.
User visits a publisher web page
Bid Request
When the RTB House bid adapter is configured to send PA API requests then the adapter code
prepares the bid request to contain $.imp[] = 1
This can be noticed in the Network tab
for *
There's also $.ext.fledge_config
object visible which contains the settings defined in Prebid's
bidder-related config pbjs.setBidderConfig({config: {paapiConfig: {...}})
If there are no bidder specific settings, default values are applied by the adapter.
Bid Response
The bid response from the bidder, visible in Network tab of the Chrome Dev Tools, should contain a
array filled with some non-trivial content and there should also be visible
PA API-related prebid config keys with values (possibly slightly different from the sent ones).
If that's not the case, please contact us for assistance to further investigate the issue.
Testing with flags
For ensuring 100% traffic when testing we suggest running Chrome with some special options (flags):
chrome.exe --enable-features=CookieDeprecationFacilitatedTesting:label/treatment_1.2/force_eligible/true
(change the last domain part to your own).
Already enabled native traffic (which is currently ~10% and may rise continuously) doesn’t require any flags.
The label used in the flag may also be treatment_1.1 or treatment_1.3. This simulates browsers with 3rd party cookies turned off and Protected Audience APIs are enabled (so called Mode B)
In your Google Ad Manager you also need to turn on “Allow testing on up to 100% of my inventory with non-Google sellers, regardless of performance impact” under Admin→Global settings→Ad preference settings (see above)
After joining some interest groups (see details of the example page) you should be able to catch an interesting behavior when testing topLevelPaapi module. The component auctions winning bids (from bids among same buyer) now go to the top-level auction and you may observe topLevelBid events in dev tool’s Application/Interest groups table.
Here is how PAAPI Prebid bid looks like, which may be caught in eg. onBidWon event:
Complete examples
You can find a fully working example of standard banners and native
placements on
this page.
Please check the source-code around the area of:
<!-- RTB House bidder -->
Native ads examples are available under these two links:
For an entry in ads.txt file please use: